Frequently Asked Questions

Meet the founder & champion of digital dentistry

No Missed Production

Minimal Travel

On-Demand Training

Mentorship Approach

Dental implant training programs:

flexible classes, workshop and online seminars.

Photogrammetry for Dental Implantology Webinar

Learn what photogrammetry is, why it’s a must-have for your practice and how you can master this sales-driving technology.

Full Arch Success Summit - counts towards 7 AGD credits

Our Full Arch Success Summit teaches everything you need to know about smoothly integrating full arch surgery into your practice as a profitable offering with immediate ROI.

You’ll get an in-depth understanding of the business side of full arch surgery, learning how to digitize your workflows and optimize billing procedures. You’ll also find out how to master VIP patient consultations – from first phone call to closing the sale.

Impact Study Club - earn 12 continuing education (CE) credits

Connect with other dental professionals over an introduction to implants and more in-depth topics like socket grafting, risk factors and complications.
